起点教育 - 中小学教育资源免费下载平台


1. 能听、说、认读单词“know”和“our”。
2. 能听懂、会说句子“Do you know Mr Young?”,“He’s our music teacher.”,“I like funny teachers.”。
3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“Who’s your teacher?”。
4. 能完成“Let’s try”部分的听力任务。
5. 能与同学谈论各科老师的性格特征。
1. 能听、说、认读单词“know”和“our”。
2. 能听懂、会说句子“Do you know Mr Young?”,“He’s our music teacher.”,“I like funny teachers.”。
1. 单词“our”的含义和运用。
2. 能灵活运用所学知识谈论各科老师的性格特征。
1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。
2. 学生准备画笔和画纸。
1. Free talk
T: Hello, boys and girls.
Ss: Hello, teacher.
T: How are you today?
Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?
T: I’m fine, too.
2. 检查作业
S: This is a picture of my mother. She’s tall and thin. She’s beautiful and polite.
1. 教师拿出单词old, young, kind, strict, funny的词卡,然后随机展示词卡,学生迅速说出与词卡中单词相对应的汉语意思。
2. 教师请五位学生上讲台抽词卡,然后五位学生根据所抽到的词卡依次表演,其他学生根据表演猜单词。
A. Let’s talk
1. 教学单词“know”和“our”
(1) 教师用多媒体课件出示一些学生熟悉的卡通人物,如大耳朵图图、汤姆和杰瑞、喜羊羊和灰太狼等等,然后与学生进行对话,如:
T: Who’s he? (教师边问边指着大耳朵图图的图片)
Ss: He’s Tutu.
T: Yes, he’s Tutu. We know he’s Tutu. We know him.
(2) 教师用学生已经学过的代词因此单词“our”,如:I → we my → our
2. 介绍对话中的主要人物——Mr Young
教师用多媒体课件出示Mr Young的图片,与学生进行对话,如:
T: Look at the man in the picture. Is he young?
Ss: No, he isn’t.
T: Is he old?
Ss: Yes, he is.
T: Do you know his name?
Ss: No, we don’t
T: He has an interesting name. He’s old, but his name is Mr Young.
3. 介绍对话情景
T: Wu Yifan and Oliver are now talking about Mr Young. Let’s read the dialogue after the tape and know more about Mr Young.
4. 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。
① Who is Mr Young?
② Is Mr Young old or young?
③ Does Oliver like funny teachers?
① He’s the music teacher.
② He’s old.
③ Yes, he does.
5. 学生拿出人物头饰,同桌合作练习表演对话,然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演,评选出“最佳表演者”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。
6. Talk about your teachers.
(1) 学生同桌合作,一人用简笔画画出各科老师的图像,一人在对应图像旁边写出老师的姓名、所教的科目以及性格特征。
(2) 请两位学生站起来示范读对话。
S1: Who’s your English teacher?
S2: Miss White.
S1: Is she kind?
S2: Yes, she is.
(3) 学生同桌合作,仿照示例编写相似的对话。
(4) 教师请两三对学生上讲台表演对话,表扬表演到位的学生。
四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)
1. A. Let’s try
(1) 明确听力任务
T: Wu Yifan and Oliver see Mr Li. Look at the picture below. Listen and tick.
(2) 先让学生观察图片,然后播放教学录音。
2. 小调查
教师把单词old, young, kind, strict, funny的词卡贴在黑板上,提问:What kind of teacher do you like? Why?
3. 课堂练习——选择填空:
( ) ① - ___________ your art teacher? - Miss Wang.
A. What’s B. Where’s C. Who’s
( ) ② - ____________ - Yes, I do.
A. Where is he from? B. Do you know Mrs Black? C. Is he kind?
( ) ③ - Who is that girl? - _________________
A. He is my teacher. B. She is my friend. C. He is my friend.
( ) ④ She’s _________ science teacher.
A. our B. we C. he
( ) ⑤ I have _________ English teacher.
A. an B. a C. the
3. Check the answer
① C, ② B, ③ B, ④ A, ⑤ A
1. 听录音,跟读A. let’s talk部分内容。
2. 仿照例文,以“我心目中的好老师”为题,写几句话介绍自己喜爱的几位老师。
例文:My English teacher is tall and thin. She is very beautiful. My Chinese teacher is old but handsome. He can read many beautiful poems. My maths teacher is young and smart. My art teacher is funny. She can draw nice pictures.
Unit 1 What’s he like?
A. Let’s try A. Let’s talk
know our
Do you know Mr Young?
He’s our music teacher.
Is he funny?
I like funny teachers.
