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Lesson 16 Cars and Buses 习题2

Cars and Buses

1.Listen and match. 听音, 连线。
a. Linda 
b. Peter 
c. Steven 
d. Sally 1.

2.Read the words, find the rules and fill in the blanks. 读单词,找规律,并填空。
one eleven twenty-one
two twelve
three thirteen twenty-three
Four fourteen twenty-four
Five fifteen twenty-five
six sixteen twenty-six
seven twenty-seven
eight eighteen
Nine nineteen twenty-nine
ten twenty

3.How does Tim get there? Choose the correct vehicles for him.蒂姆怎样到达下列地点?请为蒂姆选择合适的交通工具。

4.Write the correct words or numbers. 写出正确的单词或数字。


1.a.图3-出租车 b.图4-公交车 c.图2-汽车 d.图1-自行车

2.seventeen, twenty-two, twenty-eight, thirty

3.I go to the zoo by car. I go to the library by bus. I go to school by bike.

4.Seventeen—17, 16—sixteen, 24—twenty-four, eighteen—18, fifteen--15
Linda wants to go to the park by taxi.
b. Peter wants to go to school by bus.
c. Steven wants to go to the library by car.
d. Sally wants to go to the classroom by bike.
