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《Unit6 I'm going to study computer science》教学设计教案24

Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.
Section A第一课时(1a-1c)教学设计
本节课的教学内容是人教版新目标八年级上Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science Section A(1a-1c) , 是本单元的第一课时,主题是关于梦想的职业和生活目标,学生对此很熟悉且很感兴趣。在本课时,主要引导学生学习关于职业的单词以及be going to 的用法,能用一般将来时谈论未来自己和他人理想的职业,为实现理想做出的打算和安排;目的是通过对人生理想的讨论使学生不仅对未来充满憧憬,而且要从现在起为自己的理想而奋斗。该课的新单词和目标语言是本单元的主要内容,因此,让学生学好这一课非常重要。
2、教学目标: (1)语言知识目标: 1) 学习并掌握以下单词:grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist, 2)学习并掌握以下句型: ① ─What do you want to be when you grow up? ─I want to be a basketball player. ② ─How are you going to do that? ─I’m going to practice basketball every day.
3) 学习了解以下结构,并能用一般将来时态表达将要做的事情。
Be going to ,want to be. (2)能力目标:
能用所学新单词、目标语言和be going to 句型谈论将来的打算。
(3)情感态度价值观目标: 每个人都有自己的梦想和对未来的打算,对于将来想要从事的职业也充满了憧憬。因此,应通过学习本单元的内容来激发学生们的学习主动性和学习兴趣,让他们下定决心为实现自己的理想而奋斗。
3、教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:
1)本课出现的所有新词汇grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist, 2)目标语言:
① ─What do you want to be when you grow up? ─I want to be a basketball player. ② ─How are you going to do that? ─I’m going to practice basketball every day.
教学难点: 用一般将来时态表达自己未来的打算 。
学生们已经学了一年的英语,懂得了一些英语知识。并已了解句型(will be),但他们不知道怎样便用be going to 表将来,在前面的学习当中,他们已经了解了简单的表职业的单词,如teacher,doctor等,但他们不知道较困难的表职业的单词,如computer programmer,pilot等等。因此,在这一课,我将对这些词汇进行教学。
五、教学步骤 Step1.leading-in and teach the new words.(12分钟)
Have a free talk with the students.
T: do you have a dream?
Ss: yes, I do.
T: what are you going to be when you grow up?
Ss: I’m going to be a/an … T: you are great, ok, let’s look at these jobs , can you guess these jobs ?(what does he/she do?)
Show the pictures on the screen. Review the old words and teach the new words by guessing games:
grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist.
(设计意图:复习已学过的表职业的单词并教学新的职业单词,这是本节课最基础的内容,为他们的语言输出作好准备。) Step2. Group competition.(5分钟)
1.guide the Ss to work in groups of four, learn and practice the new words with the word cards. one does action, the other guesses or one say English ,the other say Chinese…
2.Rank the jobs
T: do you think these jobs are interesting? Now rank them please, No1 is the most interesting job, and No 12 is the least interesting.
Have the students finish 1a in groups,then check their answers and find out the most interesting job in the students’ opinions.
Step3:Present the new structures (5分钟)
T: Boys and girls, there are many kinds of jobs in the world. What’s your dream job? Do you know how to ask and answer? Now let’s learn the new structure:what are you going to be when you grow up?I’m going to be a basketball player .how are you going to do that?I’m going to practice basketball every day.
Ask the Ss to look at the screen and read after me.then practice the conversations by using the jobs above like this:
A: what are you going to be when you grow up?
B: I’m going to be a/an…
A: how are you going to do that?
B: I’m going to ……
Call attention to the items in activity 1b. let the students read the items before listening to the tape.
T: look at the example given. “computer programmer” is connected with “study computer science”.That is to say ,if you are going to be a computer programmer, you should study computer science.
Now listen to the tape and finish 1b.then check their answers.
Step5:Pair work.(7分钟)
Ask two students to read the sample conversation, then make conversations with their partner by using the jobs in 1a..
For example:
1、--What are you going to be when you
grow up?
--I’m going to be an engineer.
-- How are you going to do that?
-- I’m going to study math hard.

2、--What are you going to be when you
grow up?
--I’m going to be an actor.
--How are you going to do that?
--I’m going to take acting lessons.
Step6: group work(6分钟)
Interview: work in groups of four, one is a interviewer ,interview your members in your group, then report their jobs and how they are going to do that.
Xiaoming wants to be an actor ,he is going to take acting lessons.Fanghua wants to be a basketball player,he is going to practice basketball every day......

Step7:Summary and homework.(2分钟)
sum up the new words and the target languages in this period.
Show a star story of Wang Baoqiang to tell the Ss to hold on their dreams and they will come true one day. 2、write a composition about yourself with the topic “My plan for life” (设计意图:通过总结本课要点,让学生对本节课的知识有一个系统的认识;让学生运用本课目标语言写一篇关于自己梦想职业的作文,对学生的写作能力进行了培养,更好地巩固了本课知识。)
板书设计: Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.
Section A(1a-1c)
New words:
grow up, computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer,
violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist, Target language: A:What do you want to be when you grow up?
B:I want to be a/an … A:How are you going to do that?
B:I’m going to …

Unit6 I’m going to study computer science.
Section A(1a-1c)
本节课通过听、说、读、写的训练,让学生学会了表示职业的词汇,如:computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist 等,也让他们知道了怎样使用目标语言 “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “I want to be a/an…when I grow up.”, “I am going to …” 来询问和回答自己同伴理想的职业,并通过什么样的方式去实现他们的理想;在学习语言的同时也习得了语法知识be going to 的具体用法;与此同时,我还让学生知道了学习的重要性,让他们从现在开始就下定决心努力学习,为实现自己的理想而奋斗。从而实践了本课的情感目标。