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《Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister》教学设计教案27

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
本课教学内容为“Go for it ”新目标英语八年级上册第六单元Section A1a-1c。学习的主要内容如下:
掌握有关人物特点的单词:tall, thin, short, heavy, calm, wild, long hair, short hair, outgoing, quiet, funny, serious, smart,
Pedro is funnier than Paul.
Tina is taller than Tara.
Tom is more athletic than Sam.
掌握语法点:the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives (形容词的比较级和最高级)

本单元话题内容贴近学生生活实际,同学们感兴趣,有话可说,有话愿说。在新目标英语七年级(下)第七单元What does he look like?中曾学习过一些描述人物外貌特征的词语,如:short, curly, straight hair, medium build, thin, heavy, blonde等,在学习本单元有关人物性格特征的单词时,可以温故而知新。学习语法知识点“形容词的比较级”以及人物比较的表达时,应紧密联系学生实际,就地取材,拿身边的人或物进行对比,由词汇变化到句子,再由句子扩展到语篇,使每位学生都能使用正确的语言结构描述人物特点和进行人物比较,能自由谈论自己的好朋友,以及他们之间的异同。

词汇教学——采用情景介绍或展示图片的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练,理解含义并学会运用;口语教学——采用pair work、group work问答的交际活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对和对话选择的方式;写作教学——以造句、作文为主;语法教学——模仿操练,抓住特征,总结规律。

1.Knowledge Objects
(1)Key vocabulary:
outgoing , more , than , calm , wild , twin ,tall , short , thin .
(2)Learning patterns: A +be(v) … than B.
(3)Oral practice.
(4)Reading and writing practice
2.Ability Objects
(1) Integration of information to describe personality characteristics.
Reading skill.
Writing skill.
Moral Objects
(1)Learn interpersonal respect and understanding of others through
(2)Learn to exchange different views and understand other people' preference
(3)Train students’ healthy, lively, positive outlook on life.

Method Objects in Teaching
(1)Listening and speaking methods.
(2)Communicative approach.
(3)Reading and writing methods
(4) Pair work
(5) body language,


Teaching Key Points
Key vocabulary.
Reading passage.
Teaching Difficult points
1)A +be(v) … than B.
2)The comparatives with “–er/ier” or “more”

Teaching Aids
1. A tape recorder.
2. computer

 Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Review
1. Greetings and brief introduction
2. Ask: What is today? .... Ss: It is Wednesday the 26th…….
[本阶段的活动是为测试上节课的内容做了解, 同时起导入话题的作用。]

Step 2 Lead-in
T:I’ll tell you a secret, do you want to know? I have a sister. Can you guess what she looks like? S:She is tall. /She is thin. / She has long \straight hair./She is quiet./…(Students use their imagination and express themselves freely.) T:Let’s look at her photo. (Show them on the screen.) Please talk about us. S:She is taller than you. /She has shorter hair than you. /She is thinner than you. /… (Students get information from the photos.) T:I’m more outgoing than my sister.讲more得用法(Lead in the class subject.)
[ 1、平时师生间接触多,但学生与老师的家人接触甚少,利用学生的心理和想象空间,调动学生的学习兴趣,增进师生间的相互了解。2、了解学生对已学过的形容词比较级的掌握程度,为下一步巩固学习做好铺垫。3、运用多媒体,色彩艳丽,对比效果好。]

Step 3 Revision
1.Revise the adjectives describing people’s appearance and personalities:
Divide the class into two groups and have a competition. See which group of the students can get as much as possible. (Students must collect them before class.)
T: Let’s have a competition, OK? First please take out a piece of paper, then write down the adjectives describing people’s appearance and personalities, I’ll divide you into two groups, please discuss in your group, then let’s see which group can get as much as possible.
Group one can you give us you answer?
S: short hair/long hair, curly hair/straight hair, tall/short, heavy/thin, outgoing/quiet,….beautiful/ugly, friendly/unfriendly …etc, on the screen.

 Step 4 Presentation
1. Show two big pictures on the screen, teach new words: calm/wild, twin/twins.
T: He is calmer/wilder than him. Li Hai is wilder than He Feng .Then Ss practice .
2. Do Section A-1a.Match each word with the opposite. Check the answers.

Step5 Listening 1.Listen to the tape and number the pictures in 1b.
2. Check the answers.
[听力训练既是对知识的巩固,也为下一步的任务输出提供了输入材料。如果时间允许的话, 教师可以让学生读录音稿, 这对提高学生的听力有好处。]

Step6 Practice
Using the pictures of 3 pairs of twins in Section A.
T: Is that Sam? No, that’s Tom.
He has shorter hair than Sam.
And he is calmer than Sam.
Sam is more outgoing than Tom.
Sam has longer hair than Tom.
Ask: Who is heavier, Pedro or Paul?
Pedro is heavier than Paul.
Paul is thinner than Pedro.
Let Ss practice other twins.

Step7 Game: Who is the fastest? ( Speak out the comparatives)
T: This time I’ll give you some sentences, please speak out the comparatives, such as when I say I’m tall, you should say I’m taller than you as soon as possible.
I’m thin, I’m heavy ,I’m calm, I’m wild, I’m outgoing, I’m friendly.

 Step8 Consolidation and Sum-up
1. Give Ss a chance to sum up what have learned in this class. (Ss can talk about it freely.) Then T makes a brief sum-up.
2. Get the Ss to do some consolidation exercises. T goes around and gives some help to Ss. [1、让学生来做课堂小结,抓住了学生“敢于开口说英语”的心理,突出主动学习的重要性;教师作综合陈述,犹如给学生一颗定心丸,给学生增添了信心。2、强化练习,重点训练听写能力,进一步巩固本课所学内容。]

Step9 Exercises
1. Tom is than Jim. (heavy)
2. His mother is than Bob. (beautiful)
3. Is he ____than you? (thin)
4. Who is , your father or your mother? (outgoing)
5.I have hair than my sister.(long)

 Step10 Homework
Write a short passage about things that are the same and
different between you and your friend

2.“任务型”教学模式,把课堂知识与实际生活联系起来,为学生创设了真实的英语学习环境,使学生所学的语言知识有了用武之地,层层递进,由易到难,构建由初级任务到高级任务并由高级任务涵盖初级任务的循环, 使学生“在做中学,在做中用”, 激发了学生积极参与的欲望,寓教于乐,引起了学生的共鸣,提高了学生的英语综合运用能力。
