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《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学反思和实录18

Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ?课堂实录及反思
Section A (1a—2b)
Teaching aims:
1. 语言知识目标:
1) 能掌握以下单词:sitcom, news, soap, educational, plan
① What do you want to watch?
② What do you think of talk shows?
③ I can’t stand them.
④ I don’t mind them.
⑤ I like/love them. / I don’t like them.
2. 情感态度价值观目标:
学会谈论流行文化,了解各类电视和电视节目的名称和自己的喜欢。 注意引导学生们形成正确的文化观念,大力培养学生们的跨文化意义,形成自己独立的个性。
Teaching steps:
Step 1.Warming –up
T:Hello ,everyone.I’m your new teacher today.I’m from Jidu Road Middle School.My name is Li Zhenxia.You can call me Mrs Li .It’s my first time here,so I’m very happy.So I’ll give you a gift ---a poem. Now ,do it like me,please .(边拍手边chant) Good better best, never let it rest,till good be better,and better best.
S:Good better best, never let it rest,till good be better,and better best.
T:Now ,let’s do it again.
S:Good better best, never let it rest,till good be better,and better best.
T:You did very well.Dear class,I think you can do the best,right ?
T:Now,let’s say “I can do the best.” twice, OK?
Ss:OK.“I can do the best. I can do the best.”
Step 2.Lead –in
T:OK ,now,let’s learn Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show ? Section A (1a-2b).(板书)
T:Before class ,let’s do a survey.Do you like watching TV?
T:What’s your favorite TV show ?
Ss: Talent show, game show …
T:Do you know other TV shows ?
(设计意图及反思:本单元的话题是TV shows, 这个调查活动能唤醒学生对已有知识的回顾,然后由这个已有知识转入新授内容,起到较好的衔接作用。)
Step 3.Presentation
1.(Show some pictures for the students.)
Say :Look at the picture and answer ,what TV show is it ?
(Talent show,game show, talk show ,news, sports show ,sitcom,soap opera)
2.T:Now ,open your books and turn to page 33,look at the picture and match the TV shows with the pictures.
T:Have you finished?
T:Then who can tell us your answer, hands up please.
T:(示意一名学生)You ,please.
S1: Talk show ,e;soap opera ,d;sports show ,b; sitcom ,c ;game show ,a;talent show,g; news,f.
T:Sit down ,please.Yes or no?
T:You did very well.Now ,read these phrases twice together.Talk show,do please.
(设计意图及反思:在刚才多媒体图片感知的基础上,自主找出各种节目名称,并读出这些节目的名称。从集中学习到自主学习和反馈,了解学生的学习情况。学生能够快速匹配,完成相应练习,只是个别学生对sitcom 的发音掌握的不到位。)
Step 4.Presentation
1.T: You did very well.Now,look at the screen.What do these faces mean?
Ss:love,like,don’t mind,don’t like,can’t stand .
(1)T:Now ,class.What do you think of talent shows?(板书)
T:Yes.We can say “I love them .”
Can you read the sentences ?
T:Do it ,please.
Ss:What do you think of talent shows ?I love them .
Ss:What do you think of game shows ?
I like them.
Then ask the students to read the two students together.
Ss:What do you think of news?(教师板书,news和it用红笔标出。)
I don’t like them.
教师重复:I don’t like (板书到这里的时候,停顿,Ask :them,yes?)
T: Yes, I don’t like it .这里,news 是不可数名词,so we should say …(停顿)
Ss:I don’t like it .
T:Yes, I don’t like it .Now ,read the conversation together .
Ss:I don’t like it .( 没注意连读,而且有点拖音。)
T:Read after me ,please .I don’t like it.(在黑板上标出连读的符号)
(设计意图及反思:What do you think of …?及其回答是本课的核心句型,因此,这里先突破这个重难点。而且,如何正确使用them 和it 也是难点,于是分别选用了可数名词和不可数名词的图片,还故意让学生出错,然后自己纠错。这应该算是知识生成的部分,只是教师没有完全放手,理由是教师说出来而不是让学生说出来的。所以,还应该提醒自己该放手的时候一定要放手。)
Step 5 Practice
1. 分角色朗读黑板上两个代表性对话。
T:Now ,this group ,you ask.And this group ,you answer.Go ,please .
Ss read the conversation for the first time.
T:This time ,you ask ,and you answer.Do ,please.
Ss read the conversation for the second time .
T:OK.Class,work in pairs.Ask and answer like this :What do you think of …? I love/ I like…/I don’t mind…/ I don’t like … and so on .Clear?
T:I’ll give you two minutes,OK?
Ss: OK.
T:OK.Stop.You two ,please.
S1:What do you think of sports shows?
S2:I don’t mind.
S2:I don’t mind them .
S2:What do you think of sitcom ?
S1:I love them .
T:OK,sit down ,please.Any mistakes ?(学生没听懂,教师又问一句:Any mistakes ?学生仍然不清楚老师在说什么,教师只好用汉语解释:有问题吗?)
T:So we should say “them”,here we should say “Whar do you think of soap operas?”
(反思:本来学生说的是sitcom,应该是sitcoms.结果学生说是“电视剧”,教师似乎也忘了学生刚才说什么,就顺着“电视剧”往下说,竟然把sitcoms改成了soap operas!现在看着自己的课堂视频,才知道犯了一个“前言不搭后语”的错误!真是不应该!以后一定要记住学生说的每一句话!我现在在想:学生是否会想,我哪有说soap opera 呀,太可笑了!严谨,严谨!这就是看视频的好处!敢于解剖自己才可能进步!)
T:(示意另一组学生)You two ,please.
S4:What do you think of sitcoms ?
S5:I love them .
S4:What do you think of game shows?
S5:I don’t like it.(此处声音很低,教师鼓励学生大点声说。)
S5:I don’t like it.
T:Yes or no ?
T:Why ?You,please.
S6:He says “I like it.”但是电视剧是可数名词,可数名词应该用them ,不可数名词用it。
T: Thank you ,sit down ,please .
T:(To S5)Do you understand ?懂了吗?再说一遍。
S5:I don’t like them .
(1)T:Now ,class,I need one student.( To a student,say :) I need your help,can you help me ?
T:I ask ,and you answer,OK?
T:Do you want to watch TV tonight ?(在黑板上书写了一个完整的对话)
Ss:Do you want to watch TV?
Yes,I do .
T:What do you want to watch ?
S:I want to see…
T:(指着黑板)You can use this sentence.What do you think of…?
S:What do you think of talent shows?
(反思:我当时干嘛非得限制学生回答呢?讲完公开课后,我在自己班上接着讲第二课时,当作为复习内容复习这个对话时,也有学生用I want to watch …来回答,我没阻拦学生,自己顺着学生的回答引出“What do you think of …”句型来。这样,我觉得前后句衔接得正好!原来我苦苦思索的如何突破课本上由What do you want to watch ?到What do you think of …?的困惑就这样迎刃而解!可惜的是,在当时的公开课上,我是那样勉强地限制着学生的正常思维,简直不可思议!问题,是在实践中解决的,也是给学生自由呼吸空间的前提下解决的。)
T:I love them.What about you ?
S:They’re OK.I don’t mind them .
T:Then let’s watch a talent show.
T:Now let’s read the conversation together.
T:Can you make your own conversation?Your own conversation.
(学生不明白老师的指令,用汉语解释:模仿这个编自己的对话。)I”ll give three minutes.OK ?
T:OK,stop.You two ,please.
S1:Do you want to watch TV?
S2:Yes,I do .
S1:What do you want to watch ?
S2:What do you think of sports shows?
S1:I don’t like them .What about you ?
S2:They’re OK.I don’t mind them .
S1:Then let’s watch a sports show.
T;OK,Sit down ,please.
T:You two ,please.
S3:Do you want to watch TV?
S4;Yes,I do .
S3: What do you want to watch?
S4:I want to watch game shows?
S3:I love them .What about you ?
S4:They’re OK.I don’t mind them .
S3:Then let’s watch a game show.
教师指着板书中I don’t mind them .一句,说:这儿,不需要非得说I don’t mind them .可以根据自己的想法谈出自己的观点,明白?
T:You two,please.
S5: S3:Do you want to watch TV?
S6;Yes,I do .
S5: What do you want to watch?
S6:I want to watch talk shows.
S5:I love them .What about you ?
S6:They’re OK.I like them .
S5:Then let’s watch a game show.
Step 6.Listening (2a-2b)
1. Listen to the tape,do 2a.
T:OK.So much for our conversations.Lin Hui and Sally are talking about TV shows,let’s listen to the tape ,and number the TV shows from 1 to 5 in the order you hear them .Now,open your books and turn to page 34,do 2a.(根据学生做题情况,播放了两遍录音。)
T:OK,class,can you tell me your answer?
Ss:Yes.Sitcoms ,1;news ,2;game shows, 4;talk shows,3;soap operas,5.
2. Listen again.complete 2b.(大屏幕展示空出所填部分的对话。)
T:Now,let’s listen again ,complete the sentences.Before listening ,you can read the sentences by yourselves.(附汉语解释:“在听之前,大家先把2b的句子看一遍。”并提醒同学们在听的时候,如果跟不上,可以先写首字母,听完之后再补全。)
3. Role-play the conversation.
(1) Part the students into two groups,role –play the conversation.
(2) Read the conversation by themselves.
(3) T:OK,stop.Let’s write an article about Sally likes and what Lin Hui likes.You can do it like this :Lin Hui likes sitcoms.She thinks watching sitcoms is a great way …(引导学生跟着说,并结合听力材料补充完整该句。)
T:Now work in groups,complete this article.描述一下Sally喜欢什么,Lin Hui喜欢什么,开头已经给出,你们可以用上这个开头,然后结合刚才的听力材料,完成一篇文章。
T:OK,stop.I’ll ask someone to tell us your discussion.If you haven’t finished,you can do it after class.Now,I’ll ask someone to tell us his or her article.(指向一名女生)You,please.
S:Lin Hui likes sitcoms.She thinks watching sitcoms is a great way to relax.She thinks she can learn some great jokes,too.Sally likes to watch the news or talk shows. She thinks even game shows are better than sitcoms.She can try to guess the answers to the questions. She thinks shows that are more educational,too.
T:Very good,sit down ,please.
T:Many people like to watch TV,but we should remember:Don’t watch TV too much .It’s bad for your health and study!
Now ,your homework today :Make a survey in your group:“What kind of TV show do you know? Why?”And then write it into a short passage.(在你的小组内做一个调查:谁喜欢什么电视节目?为什么?然后写成一篇文章,就跟刚才一样。OK?)
T:So much for this class.Thanks for listening.Goodbye,class!
S:Goodbye,Mrs Li.
